Somerset, BA5 2DA | 07717 170865 | Visit Website
If you are feeling anxious and waking up at 4am, or you have a problem that seems unsolvable, I can help! If life in general is getting you down and your mood needs a lift, I can help!
Offers In Person Appointments
Offers Therapy Online
I work from a lovely summerhouse in my private garden. You will be welcomed into a really calm and therapeutic space. I have been working in mental health for 27 years, 13 of those as a Solution Focused Hypnotherapist and have worked with all sorts of issues and all types of people. The thing that I love about hypnotherapy is how optimistic it is. We work together to find solutions to your unique issues and make sure that they are relevant to you and will work in your life.
If you are troubled by something that's not on the list, please ring me to discuss what you need help with.
© 2021 AFSFH All rights reserved
The Association for Solution Focused Hypnotherapy
(AfSFH) is a not-for-profit organisation
Company Registration no. 7412098 © AfSFH