Hertfordshire, AL55DP | 7918642312 | 07918642312 | Visit Website
Are you looking for a dynamic therapist to achieve rapid results from Anxiety, Depression, OCD, Phobias, Stress , Addiction and confidence issues such as Imposter syndrome? I have worked with all of the listed challenges. My client base is predominantly corporate individuals and also Grey area drinkers who are struggling to understand their relationship with Alcohol.
Offers In Person Appointments
Offers Therapy Online
Offers Phone Sessions
About Hypnohelpclinic and Charlotte Phipps
Have you tried other therapies and found yourself dreading sessions and not knowing how long you should expect to attend? Having to discuss the past and trauma that brought you for help?
Trying solution Focused Brief Hypnotherapy could be what you have been searching for.
The approach is a neuroscience based therapy which helps you get back on top of what has been troubling you and leading your life as YOU want. You can expect changes quickly and with little or no need to discuss the past.
Hypnotherapy happens at the end of each session to relax you and expedite the changes we have discussed together. You leave feeling relaxed, positive and in control of your therapy journey.
Recordings are given to each client to use at home, to continue the process when we are between sessions.
Couples enjoy the therapy particularly with no need to dwell on what's gone wrong in the relationship.
Grey Area drinkers who are struggling to understand their relationship between alcohol and their anxiety can mix the Solution focused element with coaching to get back in control of their alcohol consumption.
Grey Area drinkers (googling am I an alcoholic)
Couples therapy. Good for one reluctant participant.
Hypnotherapy Practitioner Diploma (HPD)
Diploma In Solution Focused Hypnotherapy (DFSH) CPHT
Sober Coach Diploma from The Sober Club
Member of The NCH and ASFH
© 2021 AFSFH All rights reserved
The Association for Solution Focused Hypnotherapy
(AfSFH) is a not-for-profit organisation
Company Registration no. 7412098 © AfSFH