Isle of Wight, PO37 6AB | 07974095011 | Visit Website
Looking for support to feel more positive, overcome stress, anxiety and low mood. Discover how solution focused hypnotherapy and NLP techniques can help you achieve lasting change. Contact me today to find out how to start making the changes you want in life. Visit my website for further information and to see how other customers have achieved the outcomes they want.
Offers In Person Appointments
Offers Therapy Online
Offers Phone Sessions
Do you repeat the same habits, patterns and end up in the same situations repeatedly? Do you have a dream for your life? Are you scared to try? If there was one thing you could change about your life what would it be?
Here at Topaz Health we offer solution focused therapies to support you. We believe in providing a non-judgemental, safe space for you to explore new ways of is about becoming aware of yourself, how sometimes we can get in our own way, preventing us from achieving what we really want. Everyone needs a coach in their corner from time to time; taking responsibility and learning to let go of what we cannot control develops empowerment and self-belief.
Specialising in NLP coaching techniques alongside Clinical Hypnotherapy to help deliver positive and lasting change.
© 2021 AFSFH All rights reserved
The Association for Solution Focused Hypnotherapy
(AfSFH) is a not-for-profit organisation
Company Registration no. 7412098 © AfSFH