Nottinghamshire, NG5 2EF | +447415767754 | Visit Website
Hello, I am Maria, Solution-Focused Gut-Directed Hypnotherapist. I have a particular interest in Disorders of Gut-Brain Interaction such as Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS), Functional constipation, Functional diarrhoea, Functional dyspepsia, abdominal pain, abdominal bloating/distension, Inflammatory Bowel Disease with IBS symptoms in periods of remission, and other gut-related conditions
Offers In Person Appointments
Offers Therapy Online
Clinical Solution Focused Hypnotherapist
The brain and gut are constantly communicating. Hypnotherapy has a proven track record in helping people better manage gut-related conditions.
I have been a Registered Dietitian for 20+ years, more recently specialising in gastroenterology, and I am now a qualified Hypnotherapist with a specialty in gut-directed hypnotherapy.
Depression and anxiety are independent illnesses that can be associated with gastro-intestinal disorders. Half of the people suffering from IBS struggle with insomnia, and those that do get poor sleep may experience more severe symptoms the next day.
Disorders of Gut Brain Interaction (DGBI)
Chronic pain
Diploma in Solution Focused Hynoptheraphy (DSFH)
Hypnotherapy Practitioner Diploma (HPD)
PGDip Advanced Dietetic Practice
MSc Human Nutrition
Member for NCH - National Council for Hypnotherapy
Member of AfSFH - Association for Solution Focused Hynpntherapy
Member of CNHC - Complementary & Natural Healthcare Council
HCPC Registered Dietitian
© 2021 AFSFH All rights reserved
The Association for Solution Focused Hypnotherapy
(AfSFH) is a not-for-profit organisation
Company Registration no. 7412098 © AfSFH